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Die Überschrift Bachelor (inkl. Optionalbereich) aufklappen  weitere Informationen zu Bachelor (inkl. Optionalbereich)  Bachelor (inkl. Optionalbereich)    
Die Überschrift Cybersicherheit (KB) aufklappen  weitere Informationen zu Cybersicherheit (KB)  Cybersicherheit (KB)    
Die Überschrift Bachelor, StO 2016 aufklappen  weitere Informationen zu Bachelor, StO 2016  Bachelor, StO 2016    
Die Überschrift Pflichtbereich aufklappen  weitere Informationen zu Pflichtbereich  Pflichtbereich    
Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
139059 Programmierung 1   -   Hermanns Grundvorlesung
139447 Grundzüge von Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen   -   Bringmann Grundvorlesung
139448 Grundzüge der Theoretischen Informatik   -   Bläser Grundvorlesung
140005 Mathematik für Informatiker I   -   Groves Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls Vorlesung / Übung
Die Überschrift Proseminare aufklappen  weitere Informationen zu Proseminare  Proseminare    
Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
137817 Computational Pragmatics   -   Petukhova Proseminar belegen/abmelden
140205 Understanding of Configurable Software Systems   -   Apel Proseminar
140209 AI for HCI   -   Feit Proseminar
140259 Wireless and Mobile Security   -   Singh Proseminar
140260 Algorithms and Complexity   -   Marx Proseminar
140261 Mobile Agents   -   Brandt Proseminar
140262 Introduction to Digital and Privacy Preserving Signatures   -   Hanzlik Proseminar
140263 Introduction to Distributed Consensus   -   Loss Proseminar
140600 Machine Learning meets Communication Networks   -   Herfet Proseminar
140601 Proseminar: Analysis jenseits von Leibniz und Newton   -   Weickert Ertel Schaefer Proseminar
140642 Reinforcement Learning   -   Wolf Proseminar
141080 Microarchitectural Security via Hardware-Software Contracts   -   Reineke Proseminar
Die Überschrift Seminare aufklappen  weitere Informationen zu Seminare  Seminare    
Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
140201 Hybrid Learning and Reasoning   -   Klusch Müller Nonnengart Seminar
140204 Understanding of Configurable Software System   -   Apel Seminar
140216 Speech-based Adaptation of Personalized User Interfaces   -   Feld Seminar
140327 AI for HCI   -   Feit Seminar
140328 Machine Learning for Program Analysis   -   Pellegrino Staicu Holz Seminar
140329 Privacy of Machine Learning   -   Zhang Seminar
140330 Advanced Theory of Secure Messaging   -   Cremers Seminar
140331 Machine Learning Security   -   Schönherr Seminar
140333 Industrial Control System Security   -   Ghaeini Seminar
140334 Applied Multiparty Computation and Fully Homomorphic Encryption   -   Kluczniak Seminar
140335 Topics in Optimization for Machine Learning   -   Stich Seminar
140336 Pruning Deep Neural Networks for Lottery Tickets   -   Burkholz Seminar
140337 Topics in Out-of-Distribution Generalization   -   Muandet Seminar
140338 Verification of Distributed Systems   -   Jacobs Seminar
140345 Aspects of Quantitative Program Verification   -   Kaminski Seminar
140346 Legal Tech und eJustice   -   Sorge Seminar
140355 Games User Research   -   Lessel Altmeyer Seminar
140492 Hot Topics in Data Networks   -   Feldmann Seminar
140603 Ray Tracing and Global Illumination   -   Slusallek Grittmann Seminar
140604 The Web Security Seminar   -   Pellegrino Stock Seminar
140605 Interactive Robotics   -   Steimle Seminar
140606 Alignment-free Sequence Analysis Algorithms   -   Rahmann Seminar
140607 Machine Learning meets Communication Networks   -   Herfet Seminar
140608 Seminar: Inpainting in Image Analysis   -   Weickert Schaefer Seminar
140641 Deep Reinforcement Learning   -   Wolf Seminar
140653 Machine Learning for Software Development   -   Zeller Seminar
140680 3D Object Representation and Reconstruction with Machine Learning   -   Ilg Seminar
141077 Space Informatics   -   Hermanns Fraire Seminar
141078 Embedded Systems Security   -   Abbasi Seminar
141079 Microarchitectural Security via Hardware-Software Contracts   -   Reineke Seminar
141091 Deep Generative Diffusion Models   -   Wolf Großmann Seminar
141825 Intelligent Systems for Supporting Human Learning   -   Nagashima Blockseminar
141947 Counting Complexity   -   Bläser Blockseminar