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[cs] Cultural Studies II - North America: Headlock on Reality: How Professional Wrestling Reflects U.S. Culture - Einzelansicht

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Veranstaltungsart Übung Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer 119505 Kurztext
Semester WiSe 2019/20 SWS 2
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 20
Turnus jedes Semester Veranstaltungsanmeldung Veranstaltungsbelegung im LSF
Sprache Englisch
Belegungsfrist WindhundWarte Anglistik    27.09.2019 15:00:00 - 27.10.2019   
Termine Gruppe: iCalendar Export für Outlook
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Lehrperson Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
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Do. 13:00 bis 19:00 Einzel am 17.10.2019 Gebäude C5 3 - SEMINARRAUM 1.19 Rezwan       20
  • 17.10.2019
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Fr. 13:00 bis 19:00 Einzel am 18.10.2019 Gebäude C5 3 - SEMINARRAUM U13 (-1.13) Rezwan       20
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Sa. 13:00 bis 19:00 Einzel am 19.10.2019 Gebäude C5 3 - SEMINARRAUM U13 (-1.13) Rezwan       20
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Sa. 09:00 bis 13:00 Einzel am 14.12.2019 Gebäude C5 3 - SEMINARRAUM U13 (-1.13) Rezwan       20
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Rezwan, Payman , Mag.
Abschluss Studiengang Semester Prüfungsversion Kommentar LP BP ECTS
Bachelor (HF/NF/EF) English - 20161
Bachelor (HF/NF/EF) English - 20101
LA Sekundarstufe I Englisch - 20121
LA Sekundarstufe I und II Englisch - 20121
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Anglistik und Amerikanistik

'Pro Wrestling has always been ingrained into American culture. It was one of the first things that was ever on television, so everybody watched it.'

Phil Brooks, a.k.a. CM Punk


The roots of professional wrestling reach as far back as the early 20th ct. After being a very popular form of sports entertainment, as it defines itself these days, both on TV and especially in live venues in the South, the emergence of Hulk Hogan in the mid-80s turned it into a popular culture phenomenon. Soon, people from all other kinds of entertainment, from Cyndi Lauper and Alice Cooper to Mohammed Ali and current US president, Donald Trump, wanted to be a part of this 'soap opera for men'. In the 90s, the 'Attitude Era', led by characters like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, gave voice to a frustrated American working class and achieved ratings records on TV. Nowadays, wrestling is a global sensation, has its own on-demand TV network, is watched by 15 million viewers on average a week in the United States and Monday Night Raw, the flagship show of World Wrestling Entertainment, is the longest-running episodic show in American TV history. Wrestling is more than just two oily men in shorts throwing their bodies around in the 'squared circle', with a predetermined result, it has become a mirror of American society and culture.

In this course, we will discuss instances from American history and politics, from slavery, the Gulf War against Iraq to the aftermath of 9/11 and the founding of the ultra-conservative Tea Party, and how they have been picked up in wrestling storylines. Furthermore, we will look at aspects of American culture and society, i.e. the struggle of ethnic minorities or the working class, aspects of gender studies , and see how they were used in wrestling programmes. In addition, we will also investigate the influence of professional wrestling on American pop culture and society, since wrestling has i.e. enriched the English dictionary, brought forth governors and senators, and gave Hollywood one of its biggest superstars in recent history and furthermore look at the role of professional wrestling in the global process of 'Americanization'. With the emergence of the new promotion, AEW, the impact and use of social media will be an issue as well. Finally, we will look at the history of wrestling, how it developed in the U.S., from its territorial beginnings to the current 'monopoly' of World Wrestling Entertainment.

Requirements: There will be an exam at the end of the course.

This course is (not exclusively) based on the following texts:

Beekman, Scott. Ringside: A History Of Professional Wrestling In America. ABC-Clio.2006.

Mazer, Sharon. Professional Wrestling. Sport And Spectacle. Performance Studies. 1998

Morton, Gerald W. Wrestling To 'Rasslin: Ancient Sport To American Spectacle. University of Wisconsin Press. 1985.

Sammond, Nicholas. Steel Chair To The Head: The Pleasure And Pain Of Professional Wrestling. Duke University Press. 2005.

Tyson Smith, R.. Fighting For Recognition: Identity, Masculinity and And The Act Of Violence In Professional Wrestling. Duke University Press. 2014.

Note: Texts do not have to be purchased, but will be provided.


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