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ERASMUS - Expanding your English Vocabulary Skills - Einzelansicht

Veranstaltungsart Übung Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer 134603 Kurztext
Semester SoSe 2022 SWS 2
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 12
Turnus Veranstaltungsanmeldung Veranstaltungsbelegung im LSF
Credits 3
Sprache Englisch
Termine Gruppe: iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Turnus Dauer Raum Raum-
Lehrperson Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
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iCalendar Export für Outlook
Mo. 16:00 bis 18:00 woch Gebäude A2 2 - Seminarraum 1.26        
Gruppe :

Zugeordnete Person
Zugeordnete Person Zuständigkeit
Spence, Robert , Dr. phil.
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Englische Abteilung
Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtechnologie
Please contact Dr. Robert Spence by email before the beginning of the lecture period (11 April): r.spence@mx.uni-saarland.de
Course materials will be available here: http://www.spence.saar.de/courses/lexis
The number of participants is limited to 12.

This course will take place online, via MS Teams. If conditions permit, it will be taught in hybrid mode (face-to-face with simultaneous live-streaming). The room will be available Mondays 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. throughout the semester. If students are on campus they can use the room to participate in the sessions even if the course is being taught entirely online.


This course is designed for ERASMUS and other exchange students who are studying Applied Linguistics, Translation, and similar subjects. It is worth 3 ECTS points.


The CEFR Level of the course is C1; students must therefore have at least B2 level before enrolling in it.


Assessment will be based on the weekly exercise sheets plus a final assignment. There is no exam.


The aim of the course is to increase students' command of English vocabulary.

We begin with a brief theoretical introduction. This is followed by a close reading of a text from the field of applied linguistics on the differences between spoken and written language; the text will be supplied at the beginning of the semester. The course leader will also make available an extensive vocabulary list for the text, which will serve as a springboard for further work on lexical relations in modern English. There will also be comprehension exercises on the text itself and further vocabulary-building exercises on some of the wide variety of different fields that are encountered in the real-life examples used in the text. Particular emphasis will be placed on expanding students' command of academic vocabulary.

For further information, see:


ERASMUS and other exchange students may also be interested in my courses 
[134596] ERASMUS — Exploring English Grammar: the world of groups and phrases (Monday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.) and 
[134591] ERASMUS — Phonetics with Listening Practice (British) (Tuesday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.). 

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2022 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024