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Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
118472 Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing   -   Klakow Blockseminar
120311 Explainable AI Planning   -   Hoffmann Seminar
120314 Software Engineering Research in the Neuroage   -   Apel Seminar
120502 Rein4cement Learning   -   Wolf Seminar
120503 Exploring Complex Network Dynamics   -   Wolf Seminar
120504 Cognitive and Cooperative Robotics   -   Schwartz Seminar
120666 Concurrency Theory   -   Hermanns Seminar
120679 Data Privacy   -   Zhang Seminar
120680 Formal Methods in Security   -   Jacobs Seminar
120681 Joint Advances in Web Security   -   Stock Pellegrino Seminar
120683 How Secure is Messaging? Provable Guarantees for Secure Messaging   -   Cremers Seminar
120685 Designing Usable Security   -   Krombholz Seminar
120811 Seminar Deep Learning: From Mathematical Foundations to Image Compression   -   Weickert Peter Seminar
120889 Hybrid Learning and Reasoning   -   Klusch Seminar
120897 Algorithms for Big Data   -   Mömke Blockseminar
120931 Automotive User Interfaces   -   Feld Seminar
120932 Machine Teaching   -   Singla Blockseminar
120945 Computational Design and Manufacturing   -   Seidel Babaei Seminar
120946 Crazy Papers in Big Data Engineering   -   Dittrich Seminar
120947 Interactive Computing with Augmented and Virtual Reality   -   Steimle Seminar
120956 IT-Forensik und Strafverfolgung   -   Sorge Seminar
120957 Legal Tech   -   Sorge Seminar
120978 Topics in Fair Division   -   Mehlhorn Seminar
121017 Less Injuries by Making Cars Secure Seminar
121219 Optimization and Entrepreneurship   -   Karrenbauer Seminar